Jody Rallah

Jody Rallah is a yuggera-yugggerabul and biri-bindal artist from Meeanjin/Brisbane. Rallah creates 'knowledge vessels' using various mediums and practices across object making and painting, sculptural installation, facade and thoroughfares, soundscape, and collaborative intergenerational approaches.
She creates both large-scale and intimate forms to embody living histories and explore an evocative sensibility with material creations, and iconography. Rallah investigates how the aliveness of place is encoded in memory spaces, and how a haptic hands-on approach to art making
and design can foster inclusive conversations, by inviting curiosity about relationships with Country, the built environment, and our place within it. Through the art-making process, Rallah embeds narratives that explore the echoes between generations, identity and the contemporary conditions that can influence our relations with place and each other.
Rallah is passionate about re-embedding First Nations knowledge spaces back into the built environment by collaborating with Elders and organisations, to create spaces and vessels that are inviting and alive with movement, memory, and narratives