Ari Athans

Ari Athans

#A ripple and a rock


Ari Athans is an Australian artist whose practice spans sculpture, jewellery, and painting. Drawing inspiration from the natural world, particularly the interplay between organic and inorganic materials, Athans explores geology, geometry, and topography themes. Her works, often created using precious metals and stones, reflect the passage of time, evoking the layered histories of the Earth through imaginative compositions.

Her project, A Ripple and a Rock is inspired by the geological history of Sydney Harbour, particularly the layers of sandstone and shale that form the area. The artwork consists of three sculptural elements: a ripple made from aluminium, symbolizing the cyclical motion of water, and two rock forms representing submerged sedimentary layers of Ashfield shale and Hawkesbury sandstone. These elements tell the story of slow geological transformation and the interaction between water and land over time, creating a visual narrative of sedimentation and the enduring forces shaping the Earth. Standing at 3 meters tall, the piece frames the bay and aligns with the natural view lines, encouraging contemplation of Earth's timeless processes.

UAP is proud to have played a role in realizing this curatorial vision, from design development to the fabrication of the artwork. Ensuring that the piece was both durable and visually striking, the UAP Brisbane team meticulously crafted the aluminium elements, using a wet-sprayed finish to capture the desired texture and colour of the riverbed. The sandstone rock was left unmodified to retain its natural, rough texture, while the cast aluminium rock was treated with a black rub paint, adding depth and variation to its surface. This careful balance between materiality, aesthetic appeal, and environmental resilience was key to making A Ripple and a Rock a lasting feature of Wentworth Point.

Image Credit: Rachel See, Ari Athans

#Services provided



Mould Making
Welding & Fabrication
Finishing & Patina


#Project summary


Ari Athans

Artwork Title

A ripple and a rock




Brisbane, Australia

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