Abdullah AlOthman

Abdullah AlOthman

#Geography of Hope


Abdullah AlOthman is both an artist and a published poet. His work is conceptual, or idea-based, and incorporates the written word, personal manifestos, and colour to suggest various possibilities and meanings.

AlOthman was one of the fifteen artists to be selected by the Desert X curators to create an artwork that explores ideas of mirage and oasis under the theme of “Sarab”, for Desert X AlUla 2022.

His work Geography of Hope references theories of light refraction rooting back to the early days of desert civilization and culture, with stainless steel plinths that interact with the light and create a radiant space that seeks to manifest the experience of capturing the mirage for the first time.

UAP | Urban Art Projects was engaged by the Royal Commission for AlUla in November 2021, to manage the end-to-end delivery of the fifteen artworks featured in Desert X AlUla 2022. UAP’s global teams worked with the artists, in region makers, and the client to assist in the design development, create technical drawings for engineering, and manage the overall delivery, installation, and opening of each commissioned artwork.

Image credit: Abdullah AlOthman, Geography of Hope, installation view, Desert X AlUla 2022, courtesy the artist and Desert X AlUla, photo by Lance Gerber

#Services provided



Design Development Support
Digital Sculpting & 3D Modelling
Project Lifecycle Management
Design Development Support



#Project summary


Abdullah AlOthman

Artwork Title

Geography of Hope


Desert X AlUla 2022




AlUla, Saudi Arabia

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