Prince Bay
#Prince Bay Public Art Masterplan
Located in Shenzhen, the Prince Bay precinct project is a crucial development within the Shekou Industrial Zone. It leverages existing maritime, shoreline, and land resources to strengthen port functions, establish a waterfront passenger transportation hub, develop an international cruise terminal, and enhance Shenzhen’s image as a modern, international coastal city. Comprising three distinct precincts - Life, Leisure, and Cultural Connections - Prince Bay offers a diverse and vibrant urban experience for residents, employees, and visitors alike.
Situated on the prime coastline of the Greater Bay Area, Shekou serves as the gateway between China and the world. Since China Merchants initiated the construction of China’s first export processing zone in 1979, Shekou has been at the forefront of economic experimentation, global connectivity, and trade, paving the way for international exchanges and commerce. UAP developed an overarching curatorial statement “Gateway to the World” to embody Shekou’s cosmopolitan, entrepreneurial, and forward-thinking spirit.
The UAP team provided comprehensive public art masterplan services for the area. This included workshops with the client team and various design consultants, in-depth research on regional history and culture, benchmark case studies, the development of precinct curatorial narratives such as “Ocean Currents,” “Urban Passage,” and “Garden Sanctuary,” identification of artwork opportunities, introduction of artwork procurement methodology, and additional suggestions for long-term artistic programming.

Image Credit: China Merchants Group and UAP
#Project summary
Artwork Title
Prince Bay Public Art Masterplan
China Merchants Group
Shenzhen, China