
UAP 艺术品保护部门有着训练有素的团队人员和技术人员,团队致力于为不同的艺术品和收藏品提供广泛的保护服务。该团队依托于 UAP 的技术知识和技能,UAP从有着工程和设计到大型作品的铸造、修缮和多种材料的复合制造能力,无所不包。依托于母公司的支持,UAP艺术品保护部门可以解决现代和当代艺术藏品保护和管理的复杂问题。
UAP 艺术品保护部在纽约、洛杉矶、亚洲和澳大利亚等许多地方都设有工厂和设施,可以为您的藏品提供所需的本地就近支持。利用我们的铸造厂和车间资源,UAP 可以为纪念性艺术品和人造艺术品提供最高质量的保护服务,包括咨询和运输、安装、装配、维修、维护、储存监督和项目交付。我们的服务得益于我们才华横溢的铸造厂员工和众多供应商数十年来积累的材料知识,以及我们与当代艺术家建立的广泛工作关系。我们还提供一系列藏品管理服务,从保存管理计划到状况报告和藏品评估。
所有工作均以艺术家的意图为优先考虑,并遵守美国历史与艺术品保护协会(AIC)的 “职业道德准则 ”和 “实践指南”,包括对所提供的所有服务进行详尽的书面和图片记录。
UAP 艺术品保护团队汇集了经验丰富的艺术品管理专家、修复专家和艺术专业人士,他们拥有丰富的艺术品制作经验,可为您的艺术品管理项目提供帮助。从设计师和工程师到艺术品表面处理专家、吊装员和拥有数十年技术知识的制造专家,我们能够为复杂和不朽的艺术品提供保护和修复服务。我们从 Polich Tallix 铸造厂传承下来的知识与 UAP 先进的全球设施相结合,确保我们能够在任何地方为您的项目提供服务。不仅如此,我们按照行业标准的保护道德规范保护艺术家的意图。
Sylvia Jeffries,艺术品保护及特殊项目团队
Public & Municipal Art Collection Surveys
Comprehensive preservation services for public art collections ensure each piece's longevity and integrity and the collection as a whole. Our expert team conducts detailed surveys to assess the condition of artworks, identify potential risks, and develop tailored preservation strategies tailored to the client's needs. By implementing best practices in conservation and maintenance, we aim to protect valuable cultural assets for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.
Restoration & Repair
Examination, documentation, and treatment of artworks using archival and reversible materials, where possible, and the employment of appropriate materials and techniques for the unique needs encountered in the treatment of outdoor sculpture.
Refabrication & Modification
Artwork modification, partial and/or complete refabrication of artworks and their components in consultation with artists' studios, estates and other stakeholders delivered to conservation standards with the highest-level documentation protocols. Our team consults with UAP's broader team of designers, engineers, manufacturing experts and consultancy staff to preserve industrially fabricated and/or cast sculpture by engaging our making capabilities and knowledge through the team.
UAP Preservation specializes in preserving and restoring monumental, fabricated and cast artworks to their original glory. Our expert team uses cutting-edge techniques and materials to clean, repair, and protect sculptures from environmental damage, vandalism, and deterioration over time. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for art preservation, we ensure that each artwork receives the care and attention it deserves.
Note that all work is undertaken in compliance with the American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Work’s (AIC) “Code of Ethics” and “Guidelines for Practice”, and treatment reports are provided.
Conservation Management Plans
A crucial part of conservation management for large-scale, multi-component works and outdoor sculpture is developing a conservation management plan. This planning utilizes values-based conservation planning methodology, as set out in international benchmarks such as the ICOMOS Burra Charter, to emphasize the significance of intangible values and the physical aspects of an installation or artwork. The process incorporates gathering information, analysing, and assessing an artwork and its site, condition, history, and materials to inform maintenance and management strategies.
Maintenance Schedules
Ongoing maintenance schedules developed specifically for the needs of an artwork or collections, including cleaning, re-application of protective wax and coating finishes, along with ongoing regular condition assessments to monitor the health of the artworks and ensure any conditions and treatment needs are identified and addressed in a timely manner.
Digital Preservation Strategies
Utilizing in-depth technical fabrication knowledge and consultancy from the workshop and broader fabrication team at UAP, our Preservation department provides risk mitigation strategies by incorporating best practice conservation and engineering, design, fabrication, and casting capabilities for preventive care solutions. Our team offers preventive conservation consultation to aid in acquiring, installing, de-instating, wrapping and storing artwork.
Artist Estate Planning
We specialize in art conservation services tailored to artist estate planning, ensuring the preservation and legacy of artists' practices and works for future generations. Our experienced team collaborates with artists, art historians, galleries, collectors, curators, and estate planners to develop customized conservation plans and documentation strategies that address the specific preservation needs for fabricated artworks. Through a holistic approach incorporating meticulous documentation, treatment, preventive care, and reporting, we protect the integrity and value of each artwork while honouring the artist's original overall vision.